the greatest gift we can share with humanity is to allow for humanity.
It is to surrender to being human with Self which allows us to empathize it within Other.
It is to recognize that intolerance of this is too expensive a cost for us all.
It is to continue to shop for & live within the value of fully living, even if & when Other sees it not.
It is to understand the greatest gift we can give is to remember where moments of inexperience lead to experience.
It is to humble ourselves to reflect on challenging moments -OURS & OTHERS- with a soft heart.
It’s to remember that we, too, have come upon learning, where it wasn’t until months or years later that we realized its true meaning, wisdom, & resource, for application.
It’s to humble ourselves to moments where we also had to learn to crawl before we could walk, where we had to rely on others to teach us how, & where we needed a cheering section encouraging us to persist in the face of what we did resist because we couldn’t see the way, the how, or it’s value.
It’s to find reason where there is no logic & choose to daringly explore intuition or instinct.
It’s to notice where we have become more accustomed to trusting in facts or phenomena, by becoming a compassionate cheerleader for the doubt in the unfamiliar, the scary, & the inexperience.
It’s to hold court without force, abuse, or fury in the face of rejectionists who too deserve to receive the same love, education, & patience you once benefited from while you were crawling, falling, failing & receiving, within nuances equivalent of learning to walk.
It is not to judge others for what they don’t know nor hold superiority for that which we believe is true.
It’s to trust in what we have been divinely blessed to have been entrusted with.
It’s to honor truth with love for its EXISTENCE, ITS RESONANCE, & ITS difference.
It’s to accept each of us in our own space without getting tricked, pressured, or convinced to concede to give up what we believe about ourselves or about capacity.
It is to exercise autonomy in the face of resistance.
It is to allow individuality to be exposed, interesting & shared.
It is to be as expressed in our truths as we are in our beliefs about them with stability & without condemnation or handing over power for obliteration.
It’s to accept that anything with power over us was given THAT authority by us & to reflect dilligently on it.
It is to hold each other in the palm of our hands, the eyes of our minds, & in the core of our hearts with the same independent safety we’d like to receive without self-abandonment, rigidity, or harm.
It is to allow for a humanity focused on allowing us each to evolve at our own pace while holding our own space, with a love that says, I love you for who you are in a way that respects all, no matter who we are, where we are, or what we need.
It says the order humanity needs, is not through force or sameness.
The art of human being is that in our dissimilarity there is much to be learned, & that is the common value, creed, privilege, & gift we are here now to foster, nurture, & protect.
It is to allow HUMANITY, alone, TO BEcome An authentic form of expression.
It is to create a world in which all can feel safely welcome to be & to belong.
It is to allow each of us to be our own brand of human, & to do our part in creating as well as advocating for a World in which all can safely Be and Be in it.
It is as I’ve heard Ram Dass say many a time, to be a human in the world, but not of it.
Remember. You are Love. So be good to yourself for fucks sake.💋
With Blessings,