As a Coach, it is my foremost responsibility to hold unbiased space. In practice, my goal is to help others live whole. I offer clients a perspective shift that empowers agency and changes focus from ‘getting through life’ to living it as an artful, romantic devotion.
I am here to help you get what you want from life by identifying how you desire to experience it.
I am here to help you orient to your perspective.
I am here to help you express your Essence.
I am here to help you discover your unique path - Your Throughline.
I am here to help you realize that what you want life to be is your authentic perspective,
& how you prefer to experience it, well… that’s simply living your style.
Through our sessions, you will learn how to soften into your humanity. Take responsibility for who you are by discerning values, desires & intentions, then honoring them through action. Accept life is meant to be enjoyed by developing an understanding that in the same way you dictate a personal fashion sense, how you choose to live is a style.
In embrace of living your style, you will open a direct and decipherable communication channel between your heart and mind. By exploring your depths, you will unearth individuated truths, learn how presence impacts perspective, institute boundaries that support your idealized experience, understand the role of preference, & find safety in visibility to claim your sacred path.
A Coaching Container is a sacred, spiritual, and confidential space between client and coach. Each container is designed to help foster awareness for the individual, in which powerful and poignant questioning is exercised to encourage forward progress to the client’s agenda in service of their wholeness.
I help my clients know, embrace, and express who they are on the inside so they can create a passionate life that is distinctly optimal for them.
The 1:1 Coaching Experience
The 1:1 Experience
The 1:1 Coaching Experience is just about the most intimate container for co-creation, honesty, accountability, vulnerability, success & knowledge that you can enter into.
It is a space to strip you of all pretenses, get creative, be honest without judgment, take responsibility, be audacious, let go, and unapologetically expand. It is your passageway of discernment. It is a radical self-permission to start asking and answering questions about how your life is going? It is seizing the gumption to venture through the muck of who the world told you to be and into Ambition, Success, Self-Confidence, Creativity, and Freedom.
The experience is individual and what occurs within the 1:1 space is specific and curated to what you want to create.
The 1:1 Experience is known to deliver results including:
Grant Self permission to go inward, live authentic, embrace nuance and evolve;
Access to audacity & standing out in your zone of genius while you stand-up for the results you seek.
Find your Voice, be deliberate with execution of intent, & learn how to “chill” more by taking responsibility for what is working or not, and discovering fear as a revealing, useful tool in the art of transformation;
Embody Confidence through autonomy & reciprocity with regard for energy, personal power, and a presence of mind for mortality as permission, a divine right, to evole/progress;
Connect to your creative energy, intentionally orienting your perspective to all that is possible in life as an empathetic act of devotion to the art, nuance, depth & complexity in the human experience
Release yourself from rigidities by using curiosity to embrace balance or personal congruence with compassion & conviction, learning that through acceptance of your diversity comes acceptance of it in others & circumstances, & unveils a capacity to maintain a calm & centered present awareness while dealing with extremes

Let’s create space to celebrate a World where clarity is the reward.
90 Minute Deep Dive Intensive
During this intensive 90-minute Coaching session, we will go in search of your automatic behaviors: the ways in which you self-sabotage, but maybe don’t know or just don’t want to admit. We will unveil truths that stretch you, challenge you and encourage you to be honest about who you are being in your life.
We will put on notice your self-defense mechanisms, fears, stories, circumstances, and basically, all the shit that you have allowed to get in your way, for too long, that you are ready for something different.
This 90-min Deep Dive Intensive is known to deliver results including:
An honest conversation with someone who has an unbiased perspective
A non-judgmental look into your fears
An in-depth discovery of how you respond in high emotion situations
A reflection of how you see yourself
A view into your relationship with discernment
Exploration of patterns, and triggers or alarms
Identification of personal safety
Assessment of relationships to: Self, personal, professional, and romantic
Expression of your Essence
Clarify Intent
Address question and answer to: How is it -living your style- going?
This 30-minute discovery call is designed to understand your obstacles, objections, and goals. As well as explore the mutual opportunity of a LWS Coaching relationship to determine if collaboration between you and me is a match.
I speak with a strong and direct tone—all part of my tough-love approach to driving clients to be authentically who they are and to achieve aspirations of what they could be.
Fueled by comfort with my own inconsistency and the depths to which I’ve gone in my own life, I am at ease with myself and project confidence as a result.
I consider myself a life strategist. My language is smart, savvy and quick-witted, but I avoid obscure words and concepts when I can’t expand upon their meaning.
I’m odd. I’m out there. I’m a little bit rock-and-roll. I don’t shy away from the taboo, but I always aim to create a safe space to dive deep on sensitive topics.
We are creative beings. I speak to the part of my readers that feels like they have untapped creative potential. Talking about the romance of living, I invite my clients to explore the edges of themselves and their lives.
Optimal, Authentic, Audacity, Multifaceted, Romance, Intention, Divergent, Purpose-Driven, Vibrant, Bold, Brilliant, Inconsistency, Sensual & Full-Spectrum