Fertile Minds Summit
HERpreneuer summit
Own Your Awesome
Shadow Work Academy
The Love Language Leadership Summit
The Savage Way
Infertility Sucks, You Don’t Have To…
On July 8, 2013, I received laparoscopic surgery to discover stage IV endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, and a benign tumor inside my uterus that would require a D & C procedure, adhesion extraction, and leave me with 4 surgical scars as well as symptoms related to infertility. That day changed my life, who I was, my future, and everything about me that I had ever thought or believed to be true. I would become suicidal, scared, enraged, fearful, depressed, and hate no one more than myself. It was hard, lonely, and totally confusing, but I would not only survive, I would thrive, and so can you. For a period of time, infertility destroyed me. The struggle of trying to get pregnant destroyed me. My mind and the blame I felt destroyed me. I let it take over everything that I was until I realized what it had done to me and my life. I don’t know if I will ever have a baby. I don’t know if I will find answers to infertility. I don’t know who I will be on the other side of this, but all I need to know is that I am committed to being there, because I am brave, I am love, I am strong, and while infertility caused me to believe otherwise, my hope is that you understand that you are too! Infertility Sucks, You Don't!
Silent Grief, Healing and Hope: 15 Inspirational Stories of Infertility, Miscarriage, and Child Loss
Has your journey to parenthood been paved with heartache and loss?
Having a baby seems to be more and more difficult these days. We all know someone who has had issues conceiving. Everywhere you turn, dreams of being a parent are shattered.
Have you experienced feelings of dread when you've thought about taking yet another pregnancy test?
Perhaps you've experienced the excitement of getting pregnant, only to discover at the next doctors visit that there is no heartbeat.
Maybe you've been through the emotional rollercoaster of giving birth to a child, loving him or her unconditionally, only to have the child pass away as a result of an unexpected tragedy.
These struggles are, indeed, tragic. However, an even greater tragedy is that when these things happen, many people feel alone and isolated in their time of grief.
How many times have you grieved in silence?
The authors in this book have which is why they felt compelled to talk about their journeys openly and honestly so that you know you are not alone. They want you to know that you can rise-up and rise strong after experiencing a loss of this magnitude - just like they did.
Within these pages, you'll find unbelievable stories that are gut wrenching and heartbreaking, but more importantly, they are truly inspiring. The authors no longer grieve in silence. Instead, they openly share their stories in the true spirit of providing hope and healing for those who read it. Our hope is that we are able to inspire you, too!
Abundant Babes
Body Confident Babe
Burnout to Breakthrough
Courageously Confident
Ellevate Your Soul
Holistic Healing with Krissy Potucek
Purpose Unleashed
Shine Bright
The Alina Grace Show
The Bold Ambition
The How to Get Healthy & Get Pregnant
The Inner Boss
The Powerful & Uncensored Mompreneur