Claim your full-spectrum life.

My Vision
I envision a world where all humans accept their multifaceted natures and, thus, have the capacity to accept and respect others.
In this world, black-or-white thinking is a thing of the past. We exist in the beautiful spectrum of our humanity.
Here, everyone feels permission to live by their inner compass and lead the lives that are uniquely optimal for them.
Here, like the rest of Earth’s ecosystems, diversity is the lifeblood of our collective health.
The 1:1 Coaching Experience
The 1:1 Coaching Experience is just about the most intimate container for co-creation, honesty, accountability, vulnerability, success & knowledge that you can enter into.
It is a space to strip you of all pretenses, get creative, be honest without judgment, take responsibility, be audacious, let go, and unapologetically expand. It is your passageway of discernment.
It is a radical self-permission to start asking and answering questions about how your life is going?
90 Minute Deep Dive
During this intensive Coaching session, we will go in search of your automatic behaviors: the ways in which you self-sabotage, but maybe don’t know or just don’t want to admit.
We will unveil truths that stretch you, challenge you and encourage you to be honest about who you are being in your life.
We will put on notice your self-defense mechanisms, fears, stories, circumstances, and basically, all the shit that you have allowed to get in your way, for too long, that you are ready for something different.

My Purpose
The high-level impact I seek
My purpose is to be a walking affirmation of truth and inspire others to walk intentionally in theirs.
My Mission
What drives me on a daily basis
My mission is to help you own who you are and build a life that is distinctly optimal for you.

I help people align their core values with their personal capacity to access a dynamic equilibrium that empowers them to live optimally and execute their intentions with precision.
Do you & call it your style!

Sensuality is a healthy expression of lifeforce aka humanity.
When I look around me every day, I see people who suppress their emotions, dull their senses and force their feet along a narrow path—just like I did. Now, I help my clients feel it all. Together, we re-learn how to romance their life and treat it like the work of art that it is.
The importance of choosing paths that resonate deeply with one's identity & values, even when they diverge from conventional expectations or safety, can lead to a life & career that is not only more fulfilling but also deeply authentic.